Saturday, November 8, 2014

cape town with jon, mike, jennifer, and jim

These pictures show the house and a grand adventure of a hike up Table Mountain.  We had a blast on the hike and continuously referred to Jon's shorter legs--encouraging him to push it hard.  Around 1 pm we prevailed and reached the summit--a long hike from Constantia Nek.  Jon agreed that Mike's background of being dragged out on 12 mile hikes for every one of his birthdays growing up may have had an impact on his enjoyment level of the hike.  Alas, we all had a grand time exploring and seeing the views.  Sorry this has taken me so long to post!

More posts coming soon about exploration outside of Cape Town!

This is the humble abode in which we stayed in for 3 of the 8 nights.
The view of Table Mountain from Jon's window.

Beginning the hike up Table Mountain--we made it all the way from Constantia Nek to MacLear's Beacon to the Cable Car, then down the Cable car to the city side.  Quite a hike!

Jon realizing for the first time that we're making him hike a huge mountain.  The strong goat legs weren't quite the ideal tool for following a Crowley up the incline.

We made it up to a steep cliff and covered about 1/2 of our elevation or so :)

Beautiful False  Bay.

This reminds me of the Fellowship bringing the ring towards the great fiery mountain--not quite near Mordor yet.

Black Africans hike in style--we look like complete dorks, ha ha.

Another cool cliff to take a picture on!

Jennifer scaling rock cliffs.  Just kidding, she didn't scale these rocks, there was a steady pathway into the crack.

Mikey at the end of his rock-climbing adventure.

Two tough dudes.

Three tough people.

A time to rest and ponder about the world.

Some ponder longer than others....

One tough dude.

The three leather tramps (people who travel on foot).

A cool way to navigate through the rock. 

#poisonous snake

quite a beautiful animal.  This snake kills the most people of any snake in Africa (only 10% of untreated bites kill people according to Wikipedia).  It is called a Puff Adder.

We stayed at least 3 feet away the whole time.

Now we're at the top--this is MacLear's Beacon!

A neat view of Camp's Bay.

These are the 12 apostles, though you can only see a couple from this angle.

Don't know.

Our explorers with Cape Town below them.

Like, right below them.

Expert tour guide Jennifer Petoskey in action!
The mother of all Protea--or father I guess (King Protea).

A chill glass of wine on our way back through Cape Town the second time.

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