Wednesday, September 25, 2013

sunny sunday fishing hole (muizenberg)

The trip to the whale watching, beach walking, rock fishing, surf capitol of the Western Suburbs of Cape Town.

Jennifer and I decided to go out fishing today, which was more of my inclination, but Jennifer thought it would be fun too, partly due to the awesome weather (65 and sunny)--so we set off to find a fishing hole on the rocky shoreline near Kalk Bay.  After searching a few recommended locations we decided the boardwalk near Muizenberg would be our best chance of having a good time.  It turns out we were right about the destination, but the fish were not hungry.

Besides being our first oceanic fishing trip--we tried once two weeks ago in an inland lagoon--it was our first time exploring the surfing beach of Muizenberg.  The surfers were out in full force as there are usually hundreds of individuals in the water at any given time.  We were astounded by the beauty as we looked across False Bay at snow-capped mountains and out into the bay where Southern Right Whales were playing on the surface.  We saw many whales breach and one of them we are pretty sure was a juvenile--they're in the birthing season now.  On our walk back to the beach after fishing I looked down and saw an abalone shell.  Abalone are extremely rare and are illegal to take from the water, but this was just the shell, so I picked it up and brought it home.  Abalone is very popular in jewelry because of the iridescent shine on the inside of the shell.  In addition to being beautiful it is delicious, which are the reasons it is so rarely found.

Here are some pictures from the outing:

Hi there, this is the beach and you should notice the snow on the mountains that are less than 5,000 ft. in elevation.  Our weather was pretty cold and wet for a couple weeks (the entire time Adam and Lindsey were visiting)

Climbing through the rocks; all part of the adventure!
Here are the tidal pools we walked through to make a few casts.  Plus awesome mountains in the background.
Here is me trying to get as much distance on my cast as possible.

This is the view towards Kalk Bay and Simon's Town.

It is refreshing to get doused in a few waves.  I choose my standing rocks wisely.

Very wet and cold.  Good thing it was sunny out.

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