Wednesday, August 7, 2013

the local vineyard (constantia)

The highlight of our new home, by far, is the vineyard across the street. It is a rolling-hilled, sweeping-viewed, green and peaceful and majestic place with friendly dogs and neighbors walking through and a winery at the far end. It's really incredible. We've already enjoyed walks and runs in it most evenings, and can't wait for the days to get longer (yes, it's really winter here - gets dark around 6pm!) so we can enjoy it even more.

We had our first wine tasting at the Groot Constantia estate (the winery at the far end) last night, and for R30 apiece (around $3) enjoyed five tastings of their delicious wines (we agreed the Sauvignon Blanc was the winner). Visitors, plan to spend some quality time here.

The road up to the vineyard - it's about 100m away from our front door.

I took all of these photos one morning last week (we had beautiful weather for about a week - it's been rainy for the past two days) with my iPhone - we'll take some really good ones with our wide-angle lens soon and post those too!


Jennifer & Jim

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